Becky Barton, CEO

Maximizer | Includer | Analytical | Harmony | Arranger

Our fearless leader is a native of Omaha, NE, and currently lives in San Francisco. She is fluent in Spanish, and at 16 years old, self-funded a trip to Ecuador to teach children how to brush their teeth and the community how to build latrines. Her HR background includes staffing, recruiting, organizational development, and she is recognized as a thought leader on optimizing performance for start-ups and companies on the move and aligning talent with strategy. She started her HR career in 1997 in staffing and has since led HR Strategy in non-profit, start-up, professional services and creative agency organizations. Outside of work, Becky’s time is a flurry of kid-centric activities (including Denver the guinea pig), sports, outdoor exploring, time with her two boys, and catching up with friends. (BA, Spanish; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace certification)